Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Life as a Vegan - Almost there...

Food Envy: Happens when you
go Vegan for three weeks and your
loving boyfriend makes eggs, bacon,
and sausage for dinner...
And without even noticing, nearly three weeks of Vegan-eating have flown by. When I first started my Vegan diet, I assumed that by the second week I would be suffering from food envy and meat withdrawls, but that wasn't the case at all. Actually, I found that as the days go by, eating Vegan has become easier - the fewer food options I have, the less complicated it becomes to decide.

Am I tired of tofu yet? NO! I have discovered so many deliciously marinated tofu options. That said, I still struggle with beans - I just don't think they will ever be "my thing".

Lifetime challenge? Keeping the variety...

I have noticed something else about myself: No matter what my diet looks like, I seem to default (quickly) to eating the same things consistently (I get bored easily - just not with food!). In the case of being Vegan, I frequently use protein shakes to supplement my protein-intake - which is easy and convenient, especially with a busy schedule, but not optimal. If I were to make going Vegan a permanent lifestyle change, I would have to find a way to do less protein shakes, and more alternative sources of protein. (...and yes, learn to love the bean).

I miss meat...but not enough to wear it.
Now that I am half-way through Week 3, I can honestly say that I STILL feel great! I'm already an energetic person, but I have even more energy now - which is especially helpful during my early morning workouts! Also, despite dry and cold weather here in Denmark, my skin is healthy and shiny. And although weight-loss was not the goal, I did lose nearly 4 pounds in this short amount of time.

And now, (part-Vegan) Vacation...!

And tomorrow i'm off to Thailand, with three days left of my 3-Week Vegan challenge! With all the delicious veggie and tofu stir frys, I don't imagine it will be hard to stay Vegan on the first part of our trip. I even ordered a Vegan meal for the long flight there!

What will be my first meat-again meal?...I will report back.

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